Inspired by the 1980s popular Nintendo Game Super Mario Bros, The costume has a green and blue printed design to replicate Luigi top. Green hat also included. Now you are nearly ready to slay dragons and rescue princesses. All you need is Luigis moustache. shop one now on our store to complete the look!
- Age 4 - 6 years
- Height up to 116cm / 56.5"
- Chest up to 61cm / 24"
- Waist up to 56cm / 22"
- Age 7 - 9 years
- Height up to 134cm / 52.5"
- Chest up to 69cm / 27"
- Waist up to 60cm / 23.5"
Small 4-6 yrs
Medium 7-9 yrs
Large 10-12 yrs